As Karl Varga pointed out in his comment on my previous post on Capistrano and Passenger (here) my apache rewrite rules did not send back the proper HTTP status codes. Now with the improved and tested rules the 503 status code is returned.
Yesterday gem 1.2.0 was released. This is a release we’ve all been waiting for! This version doesn’t have the ‘bulkupdate’ and doesn’t consume that much memory as before. So update your gem for the last time with the -B parameter. Like this:
To use Capistrano on a Passenger enabled host, you need to add the following lines to your config/deploy.rb file.
namespace:deploydodesc"Restarting mod_rails with restart.txt"task:restart,:roles=>:app,:except=>{:no_release=>true}dorun"touch #{current_path}/tmp/restart.txt"enddesc"Stop task is a deploy.web.disable with mod_rails"task:stop,:roles=>:appdodeploy.web.disableenddesc"Start task is a deploy.web.enable with mod_rails"task:start,:roles=>:appdodeploy.web.enableendend
Because in passenger there is no way of stopping or starting your Rails application, I’ve changed the deploy:start and deploy:stop to deploy:web:enable and deploy:web:disable. The deploy:restart is used by the deploy task, so now your deployment works as expected.
Don’t forget to add the rewrite rules to your apache virtual host config, otherwise the enable disable tasks won’t work.
Currently I have a Plesk 8.4 installation running on a CentOS 5 VPS. First I had my Ruby on Rails websites running on multiple mongrel servers (cluster) but it took too much RAM of my VPS and it was very complicated to add more websites. So now I’ve installed Passenger (make sure you check the screencast on the Passenger website!) which makes adding websites very easy. Also I’ve installed RubyEnterpriseEdition which reduces the memory needed for Ruby applications, including Ruby on Rails. Below I’ll describe the steps I took to complete this installation.
Just follow the steps described on the Passenger website. Run as root:
gem install passenger
The following command verifies if all the dependencies are installed, if not it suggests what rpm’s should be installed and exits. If all the dependencies are met, it compiles the Apache 2 module and installs the module.
Personally I hate installers who do a lot of stuff you can’t control, but this one does only the stuff it should do and will not break your current setup. After the module is installed you need to add the module to Apache. So I created the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/passenger.conf with the following contents:
At this point you have installed Passenger and the only thing to make a Ruby on Rails application work, is to point the Apache DocumentRoot directive to the public directory of your Rails application.
Download RubyEnterpriseEdition (REE), extract the file and run the installer. As described on the REE website.
tar xzvf ruby-enterprise-1.8.6-20080624.tar.gz
This installer will install it’s own Ruby environment to /opt. This is good, because it will not touch your current Ruby environment. After the installation you’ll have a separate gem installed which is version 1.2.0. The version without the gem bulkupdate, which causes a lot of memory problems on VPS’es. The following commands I’ve used to install different gems. Mysql did not install easily, but with the -- --with-mysql it worked. Note the --no-rdoc and --no-ri because we’re on a production environment we don’t need the documentation.
If you have all the gems installed which you need in your Rails applications, it’s time to switch the Ruby Interpreter to the REE installation, we do this by replacing the PassengerRuby line in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/passenger.conf file.
Depending on the available RAM on your VPS, you should add the following line to passenger.conf:
PassengerMaxPoolSize 2
To prevent Passenger from invoking to many instances of the Rails app.
The only thing you have to do in Plesk is to modify the DocumentRoot. I’ve made a app directory where I deploy my Rails application with Capistrano. Create the file vhost.conf in the config directory of your domain.